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I Might As Well...
I came to Costco and did some shopping. Well... I drove all the way to Homebush, so I might as well go to the outlet shop next door. I wanted to check out some running shoes there. Yeah, I'd rather do it now than come back here again, so I'll just go.
●hat ●bus ●box ●car ●bird ●door ●cone ●apron ●Stop ●Silent _Flap T/Linking
I Might As Well...
I came to Costco and did some shopping. Well... I drove all the way to Homebush, so I might as well go to the outlet shop next door. I wanted to check out some running shoes there. Yeah, I'd rather do it now than come back here again, so I'll just go.
I might as well V:せっかくだから~しようかな
do (some) shopping:買い物をする
all the way:遥々・ずっと
next door:隣にある
例 The house next door has a beautiful garden.
S wanted to V:~したかった
check out:(新しい物などを)見てみる
I'd rather A than B:BよりAするほうがいい
rather than ~ing:~するほうがいい
I Might As Well...
I came to Costco and did some shopping.
Well... I drove all the way to Homebush, so I might as well go to the outlet shop next door.
I wanted to check out some running shoes there.
Yeah, I'd rather do it now than come back here again, so I'll just go.
≒Yeah, I want to do it now rather than coming back here again, so I'll just go.
✅Today's Question
Did you have a "might as well" moment recently?
例 I found a good price for gas on my way to the golf course, so I was like "I might as well get some gas".
The other day, I saw a TV show that said walking fast is good for your health.The next morning, I went outside to take out the garbage,so I was like “I might as well walk fast”.
I found a convenience store on my way to the mall.
So I was like I might as well pay my electric bill.
I went to the gym near the station today, so I was like" I might as well buy ingredients for dinner at the supermarket."
After working, I often go to Library to study English. I can concentrate better here than at home. so I was like " I might as well study more.
It's a beautiful sunny day, so I might as well do some laundry. I'd rather do it now than wait for the weekend.