ただ、ここで使っているフレーズや文法は、私がこれまでの英語を習得する過程の中で「最初の方に出会ったもの」もあれば「3年目くらいでやっと言えるようになったもの」なども、バラバラに入っていますので、難しい!わからない!とストレスを感じないでくださいね。いつものShadow Meよりも難しい文構造になっています。なんとなーく理解をして、使えそうな部分だけ抜き取って真似をしてみてください☺
Shadow Meの中ではあまり出てきていない部分・難しい部分は色分けをして説明を加えておきます。
スマートフォンをご利用の方:【Listen in browser】
It's been one year since I started making content on Shadow Me. I knew my method would work for a lot of people from my own experiences, but at the same time, I wasn't sure if they would stay long term because it really relies on how much time and effort each student can put into English study every day.
But it turns out that many of the students who started in January 2022 are still here and noticing the progress from continuing to learn with Shadow Me. I feel grateful to be able to help them out and I will keep doing my best by creating more useful content for them.
✓It's been ... since SV:~してから...経った
✓I knew S would V:~だろうとわかっていた
✓but at the same time,:でもそれと同時に
✓I wasn't sure 間接疑問文:~が不確か・わからない
✓間接疑問文:if they would stay long term=長期で生徒さんがステイするかどうか
✓It relies on ~:~による・~にかかっている≒ It depends on
✓間接疑問文:how much time and effort each student can put into English study every day=毎日どれだけの時間と努力を各生徒さんが英語学習に注げるか
✓It turns out that SV:~ということがわかる(わかった)
✓関係代名詞:the students who started in January 2022=2022年にスタートした生徒さん
✓I feel grateful to V:~することに感謝する
✓by ~ing:~することによって
One Year Has Passed
It's been one year since I started making content on Shadow Me.
Shadow Meでコンテンツをつくりはじめて、1年が経った。
I knew my method would work for a lot of people from my own experiences,
but at the same time, I wasn't sure if they would stay long term
because it really relies on how much time and effort each student can put into English study every day.
But it turns out that many of the students who started in January 2022 are still here
and noticing the progress from continuing to learn with Shadow Me.
Shadow Meで継続学習をすることによって得た進歩・上達を実感してくれている。
I feel grateful to be able to help them out
and I will keep doing my best by creating more useful content for them.
※通常のShadow Meでは音声解説(5分)も入れています💡
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【1月からの「新しい」Shadow Meについて】
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